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Sometimes, to understand the present, you have to look at the past. As you know, the story begins in the East. It was here that the oldest political institutions emerged and acquired stable forms, the totality of which determined the outlines of the earliest modifications of Human society, and then the state. No wonder the ancient Romans, whose civilization was a daughter, in relation to the Middle East, spoke with respect: "Light from the East". The Middle Eastern, Mediterranean lands, a narrow isthmus connecting Africa with Eurasia for many millennia were a bridge-a crossroads on which ancient people moved
Historians indicate that, around the 5th millennium BC, specialized polished tools appeared, and later, from the 4th millennium BC, obsidian was used. With the transition of hunting to cattle breeding, and then to agriculture, the first agricultural tools are used - hoe, sickle, etc. The material was stone, wood, bone. Since the 4th millennium, the processing of copper, which was available in the eastern desert and on the Sinai peninsula, begins, a potter's wheel appears, ceramic and weaving production develops, faience is produced,and since the 3rd millennium, glass. From the 2nd thousand. bronze comes into use, since the middle of the 2nd in Egypt, iron products are found. Great success was achieved by the Egyptians in the processing of gold and silver. The priests, using simple tools - a plumb line and a ruler - determined the position of the planets and stars. Solar and water clocks were used to measure time. Maps were made taking into account the distance of points and city plans. Extant mathematical papyri indicate that the Egyptians introduced the decimal system of calculus, (without positional notation, but also knew fractional numbers, which have a numerator-one). In addition, the Egyptians did trepanation of the skull, filled teeth, applied surgical splints. The knowledge of the Egyptians in various fields had a significant impact on the development of ancient, and, consequently, European science. The Greeks always looked at Egypt as a land of ancient wisdom and considered the Egyptians as their teachers. Writing also emerged there. This happened 2400 years before the Birth of Christ.
The musical culture of Egypt is one of the most ancient - the monuments of musical culture date back to the beginning of the 3rd millennium BC - these are rattles, harps, flutes, oboes, pipes, pipes, pneumatic and hydraulic organs, percussionists.
"The most important thing for a person is knowledge," said the Arab Chen. Mathematics, agronomy, and geography were successfully developed in the Caliphate. High schools were opened in the cities. They created algebra (from the word "algebr" - account). Al Khwarizmi introduced the concept of an algorithm to mathematics.
In Central Asia, the scholar Abu Ali ibn Sina lived, in Europe he was known as Avicennes (980-1037). He owns more than 100 scientific papers. In the East, he was called the head of scientists. His writings on medicine were for several centuries a reference book for European scientists. Avicenna suggested that diseases are caused by invisible organisms, and in the 19th century. it has been confirmed.
Al Biruni (973-1048), was born in the suburb of Kyat-the capital of Khorezm (Uzbekistan), an encyclopedic scholar, author of more than 40 works: "Monuments of past generations", "A book of summaries for the knowledge of jewels", as well as treatises on medicine. He expressed the idea of the Earth moving around the Sun. Al Biruni's ideas about the structure of the world, the forces of gravity, far outstripped his time. 600 years before Wisnelius, he proposed a trigonometric method for measuring distances, similar to modern triangulation. In the 80-70 years of the 19th century, the German scientist Eduard Zahau translated his works. After that, the entire scientific world recognized Al Biruni as one of the greatest thinkers of the past. His name is on the map of the moon.
Omar Khayyam (1048) was the first to discover Newton's binomial, and compiled a calendar more accurate than that used by the Christian world. Damascus steel was created in Syria. The Arabs gave the world the fairy tale "1000 and one nights", invented a weapon-a crossbow.
CHINA. Based on many years of achievements in the field of astronomy, the lunar and solar calendar was improved. The number of days of the solar year was determined with an accuracy of 365.3851539, and the lunar month to 29.81. The achievement of world significance was the invention of the world's first compass, which is a square iron plate with a magnetic spoon freely rotating on its surface, the handle of which invariably pointed in one direction.
The famous scientist Zhang Heng (78-139 AD) was the first in the world to build a celestial globe and a sundial. He calculated the number Pi (3,04132), described 2500 stars and included them in 320 constellations. He developed the theory of the sphericity of the earth and the infinity of time and space. Among the outstanding. among the achievements of material culture is the ancient Chinese lacquer production. These varnishes resisted acids at temperatures up to 500 degrees, protected metals from corrosion. The Chinese gave the world silk, invented 6 magu, porcelain, printing, and many other discoveries.
INDIA. Religions-Buddhism, Hinduism. Culture etc. India in its origin is inextricably linked with the Harappan civilization, which preceded the Aryan. In the 3rd-2nd millennium BC, perhaps earlier, one of the greatest civilizations of antiquity existed in the Indus Valley. Science learned about this little-known culture of ancient India much later than about other civilizations - in the 20s of the 20th century, and it was not easy to rewrite it in world history: it asked too many difficult and unsolvable questions to researchers. It was called Proto-Indian or Harappan - after one of the main sites of excavations in Harappa (Montgomery District, Pakistan). Flourishing rich cities were located on the banks of the river, the streets stretched in straight, strictly parallel lines from east to west or from north to south, intersecting at right angles. It was in these directions that the winds blew, which did not allow the air to stagnate. Some cities are considered an example of ancient urban planning, for example, Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro Indians knew the secrets of paint resistance, the art of strengthening the soil. They discovered the manufacture of sugar, invented chess - there is still no better game. They came up with numbers known to us as Arabic.
The most advanced of the European countries, Rome and Greece, recognized the superiority of the Eastern countries. So, we see that the eastern countries were advanced compared to the European ones. Somewhere in the middle of the Middle Ages (5th‐17th centuries), the advance of European science in all spheres of human activity began: science, technology, medicine, arts, sports, chess. Why? After all, the peoples are the same. If this happened to one or two countries and only in some areas of human activity, then we could say that it was an accident. But this is not the case. So there must be a global cause. If we look at European countries. then we will see that all of them have accepted Christianity, and their standard of living is higher than that of those who have not accepted the Christian faith. Therefore, they go to these countries to study and be treated. Of course, there are countries that have not accepted Christianity, which also live well, but this is due to oil and tourism, and not at the expense of science or technology - and there are only a few of them. Japan is an exception. They have a lot of ideas, but often not their own-they only improve them. There are about a million Christians there. In South Korea, which has recently become very progressive, more than 30% of the population professes Christianity.
How to understand what is happening in our world? This can be easily seen through historical analysis in the field of religions.
In 303, Emperor Constantine declared that he was a Christian. From that time on, Europe began to accept the Christian faith, and its rise began. Around 630, most Arabs converted to Islam. If the course of history is depicted graphically, it will look something like this:
This diagram clearly shows the ways of development and shows: those who have accepted Jesus Christ are progressing, and those who have not accepted are lagging behind.
Today, the words of Jesus Christ come true that the first will be the last, and the last will be the first.
What do you think of what you read? History teaches us profound lessons, but, unfortunately, not every person can cover several millennia with his mind and see the essence of these lessons. The fact that God's Son Jesus Christ radically changed the course of history on a global scale is obvious. This suggests that the true path is following Christ. No person in the entire history of the Earth has brought so much good into our lives as Jesus did. The consequences of His coming to Earth today are more obvious than ever.
But the most important thing is not which countries are more developed today, but that, without choosing the path of following Christ, a person rejects the truth and goes the wrong way. This path will not lead him to his Heavenly Father, but will lead him to eternal perdition. Our Creator wants to give us back the eternal life that we once lost. Jesus said that the way to eternal life is through Him. He called Himself the "door" through which we can enter God's kingdom. Jesus warned that anyone who wants to enter through another "door" will fall into perdition. Jesus said that he who seeks finds, and who knocks it shall be opened unto that.
If you are sincere before yourself and your conscience, and you are looking for the right, true way, then know that God has visited you today. Today you have a good reason to reconsider your position with regard to Christ. Today, the Creator reveals the truth to you and waits for your prayer. Ask his forgiveness for going the wrong way, and thank Him for seeing your search for truth and coming out to meet you. Accept by faith Jesus Christ as God's Son and your Savior.
May the Creator bless you on the new true path that will lead you to eternal life. May your Lord Jesus Christ help You to remain a faithful disciple and pass through all earthly difficulties and temptations. May He give you courage, may He not be ashamed to call himself His disciple, and may He keep you from hesitation and false shame. See you in eternal life. Your friends who have previously embarked on this true path.
After the creation of the. Karl Barth described the essence of man as follows:
He is always asleep when he should be awake, and always annoyed when he should be calm. He's always silent when he should be talking, And he always speaks when he should be silent, He always laughs when he should be crying, And he always cries when he could laugh. He always wants to make an exception, When should you follow the rules, And always but falls under the law, where freedom could be chosen. He is trying to do something when he should only pray, And he prays when he needs to act. He always argues when it is harmful, And always just talks about love and peace, when it is necessary to show it in practice. He always refers to faith and the gospel, When to use common sense. He always relies on his own mind, When should we put ourselves and others in the hands of God, This is a fundamentally flawed person, Whom, however, God loved as well as His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He gave to die for us, to make everything right again.
Something important happened and, at the same time, the terrible man neglected the freedom granted to him and became a deceptive offer of the devil: "You will be, gods who know" (Gen. 3,5). Man has fallen into sin and lost communion with God, as well as the essential attributes of the Creator granted to him. The situation in which a person was considered today is described in many places in the Bible.